5 Tips to Help Churches Communicate this Advent / Christmas Season

5 Tips to Help you Communicate your Christmas / Advent Services this year

1. Create a visually appealing graphic (ask an artist from your congregation to help with the design and / or use an online template drawing inspiration from a poster or graphic that caught your eye). Make sure the dates are clear and that all information is accurate and legible. Be on the look-out for posters and graphics that meet all of this criteria and imitate imitate imitate! Try something new and remember that imitation is the highest form of flattery!

2. Use this graphic widely as you are now creating an easily recognizable "brand" that identifies your church and events.
Here are a few options where you might choose to share it: 
-Church Bulletins
-Website Banner
-Social Media cover image
-Print and post the old fashioned way
-Make postcards and distribute in as many ways as you can

3. Use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat to share your beautiful new offerings! Post stories, go live! Share pics from behind the scenes, interviews with choristers, bloopers, highlights, teasers, create an event on Facebook and creatively consider angles that will help to generate interest in your event. 

4. Use hashtags! What is a hashtag? Watch this short youtube video to learn more...

"...Hashtags bring together common interest and ideas" For example consider using #Christmasservicesmtl2017

5. Now that you are excited and brimming with new ideas, there is one more thing... don't overpost on social media! Though it may be tempting, try to keep your posts to a maximum of three per day. Make a content calendar and aim for 3-5 posts per week. Keep the content fresh and have fun!